October 3, 2022
We have had the unique opportunity to serve as a Special Advocate for CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate). CASA is a community volunteer program that assists children and families in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. As a CASA volunteer, we represent children by assisting them navigating through adoptions and separations from biological parents as well as assisting the youth with support and services to keep them safe and stable. The mentorship we provide to these children through this organization includes advocating for the children in court for their best interests. This involves representing children through adoptions and placements in foster homes and protecting the child’s rights and interests with respect to educational or developmental services. CASA volunteers author court reports providing recommendations of current and future needs for the child acting as a neutral support system for the child. Our work as attorneys has greatly advanced our ability to zealously advocate for children. This advocacy has also assisted in our professional practice in understanding the importance of advocating for an individual/company’s best interest. Our participation in the CASA program has allowed us to interact with amazing individuals and make a difference in a youth’s life.